Fulton County Schools Army JROTC Veteran’s Day Ceremony

Story by: C/CPT Ja’mayh Edwards
Photos by:  CW4 (R) Brian Harris

Veteran’s Day Ceremony with Fulton County JROTC

On November 10, 2023, Fulton County Schools (FCS) held a Veterans Day Recognition Ceremony to honor the veterans who work at the district’s Administrative Building and to showcase the talents and skills of the Army JROTC Cadets from 6th Brigade. 21 veterans are working at the building, including the superintendent. The ceremony was attended by FCS School Board members: Katie Gregory, Kristin McCabe, Lillie Pozatek, Katha Stuart, and Franchesca Warren, as well as the FCS Superintendent Dr. Mike Looney.

The ceremony was led by the JROTC Cadets from Banneker, Centennial, Creekside, Langston Hughes, North Springs, Riverwood, Roswell, Tri-Cities, and Westlake High Schools. Banneker High School provided four Cadets who presented the Colors. Mr. Dexter Bailey directed the Creekside High School Sound of the Seminoles (SOS) band and played the national anthem, while all the Cadets in attendance recited the Cadet Creed.

Each school also provided a Cadet speaker who introduced themselves and shared information about one of the organizations that support the military or one of the branches of service. The speakers recognized the FCS employees who are veterans of that branch and thanked them for their service. The ceremony was narrated by Cadet Captain Yasmine Israel from Creekside High School, who explained the significance and history of Veterans Day.

The ceremony intends to inspire pride and patriotism in the attendees and participants, as well as to educate them about the military and its values. The ceremony demonstrated the excellence and diversity of the JROTC programs in FCS and their contribution to the community. It also provided an opportunity for the Cadets to practice their verbal communication skills and leadership abilities.

The ceremony was an overall success and received positive feedback from the veterans, the board members, the superintendent, and the audience.

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