Florence High School Army JROTC Cadet Presented Legion of Valor

Story and Photos by: LTC (Ret) Ellis Riser

Florence HS (MS) Cadet Presented Legion of Valor

On October 5, 2023, Cadet Major Lincoln Jones was presented the Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement by MG (Ret) Leon Collins, Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army for Mississippi.

Cadet Jones is a senior at Florence High School and is currently serving as the Battalion Executive Officer of Florence’s Army Junior ROTC Program. He has also served as a Company First Sergeant, Platoon Leader, and Squad Leader in previous years.

As part of the JROTC Program, he is the Captain of the Drill Team and active in the Physical Training, Orienteering, and Raider Teams. He is a 3-time member and recently served as Captain of the JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl Team. He has also attended the JROTC LeaderState (STEM) Camp at Mississippi State University. Through JROTC, Cadet Jones has received awards for Academic Excellence, Proficiency, Commendation, and Good Conduct to name a few.

At school, he is a member of the Beta Club, Mu Alpha Theta, Random Acts of Kindness Club, and is also active in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Cadet Jones is a member of the Track Team, the State Champion Cross Country Team, and the Math and Science Team which placed 3rd in the Division 1 State Tournament. School awards include being named Florence HS Student of the Month twice, the Rankin County School District’s Student of the Month, and Character Trait Student of the Month. This past summer he also attended Boy’s State.

He is ranked 3rd in his class of 157 seniors with a cumulative grade point average of 4.00 and an ACT score of 32. Outside of the school he has earned the Rank of Eagle Scout and is focused on giving back to the community having accumulated over 300 community service hours. After graduation, Cadet Jones plans to attend the United States Military Academy at West Point and major in Computer Engineering.