Northern Regional Air Rifle

CMP North Lamonse Drive, Camp Perry, OH, United States

Northern Regional Air Rifle Three Regionals are held by all service JROTC’s every February and March. Over 300 Cadets qualify for these events. The top teams in both Sporter and Precision air rifle move on to compete in the National Championships.

Army JROTC National Drone Championship

Army JROTC Drone Championship Teams learn about drones, flight principles, programming, documentation, and communication skills while expanding their understanding of and building interest in drone-related workforce and career opportunities.

Cyber Patriot

N Bethesda Marriot 5701 Marinelli Rd, Bethesda, MD, United States

Cyber Patriot ​The National Youth Cyber Education Program created by the Air Force Association to inspire K-12 students toward careers in cybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines critical to our nation’s future. ​At the core of the program is the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition, the nation’s largest cyber defense competition ... Read more

The National Air Rifle Championship

CMP North Lamonse Drive, Camp Perry, OH, United States

National Air Rifle All JROTC Units that are eligible to compete in air rifle marksmanship are invited to participate in the JROTC Air Rifle Postal Competition. The JROTC Postal gives all Cadets who participate in air rifle marksmanship an opportunity to experience a National-level competition, fired at their unit’s home range. In addition to providing ... Read more

JROTC National Drone Championship

Batesville Civic Center 290 Civic Center Dr, Batesville, MS, United States

JROTC National Drone Championship Teams learn about drones, flight principles, programming, documentation, and communication skills while expanding their understanding of and building interest in drone-related workforce and career opportunities.

Southeast Drone Championship

Mississippi Coliseum 1207 Mississippi St, Jackson, MS, United States

Southeast Drone Championship Teams learn about drones, flight principles, programming, documentation, and communication skills while expanding their understanding of and building interest in drone-related workforce and career opportunities.

NASP Western Regional Archery

Mountain America Expo Center 9575 State St, Sandy, UT, United States

NASP Western Regional Archery ​New event - 2 National championships held each year in Sandy, UT and Louisville, KY

Army Drill Team Championships

Ocean Center 100 N Atlantic Ave, Daytona Beach, FL, United States

The U.S. Army JROTC National Drill Championship The U.S. Army JROTC National Drill Championship is a event where Army JROTC Drill teams compete. JROTC Instructors and active duty Drill Sergeants serve as judges. Teams compete in four disciplines of drill. Regulation, Exhibition, Color Guard and Inspection in both the armed and unarmed divisions. This event ... Read more

Fitness Championships

Ocean Center & Plaza Resort & Spa 600 N Atlantic Ave, Daytona Beach, FL, United States

The National JROTC Fitness Challenge Championships The All-Service National JROTC Fitness Challenge Championships is an all-service event that takes place on the beach behind the Plaza Resort & Spa in Daytona beach, Florida. This competition started in 2017 with hundreds of JROTC Cadets attending. The JROTC Fitness Championships maintain both a Male Division and Mixed ... Read more

National High School Drill Team Championships

Ocean Center 100 N Atlantic Ave, Daytona Beach, FL, United States

National High School Drill Team Championships This event is a all-service Drill & Ceremony competition for JROTC Cadets. The event has been held since 1982 and U.S. Army Cadet Command became the official sponsor in 1988. Teams from all services participate to compete for this title. Active duty Drill Sergeants from all services serve as ... Read more

NASP Eastern Regional Archery

Kentucky Expo Center 937 Phillips Ln, Lousiville, KY, United States

NASP Eastern Regional Archery ​New event - 2 National championships held each year in Sandy, UT and Louisville, KY

VEX Robotics Championship

Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center 650 S Griffen St, Dallas, TX, United States

The U.S. Army National Robotics Competition The JROTC National Robotics Championship is a multiday competition held at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, Texas where JROTC Robotics teams will battle it out for a number of awards and to become a Tournament Champion! Participation: Teams will qualify through season competitions and will be ... Read more

JROTC Leadership & Academic Bowl (JLAB)

Catholic University 620 Michigan Ave NE, Washington, DC, United States

JROTC Leadership & Academic Bowl (JLAB) Program to challenge JROTC Cadets to learn values of leadership and citizenship while preparing for higher education milestones. All-Army Leadership Bowl – Hands on STEM activities to include activities in the DC area such as a lying of a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and activities ... Read more

Northeast Drone Championship

Falcon Center, Fairmont State University 1201 Locust Avenue, Fairmont, WV, United States

Northeast Drone Championship Teams learn about drones, flight principles, programming, documentation, and communication skills while expanding their understanding of and building interest in drone-related workforce and career opportunities.

North Central Drone Championship

Connie & Jim John Recreation Center, Kettering University 1700 University Ave, Flint, KY, United States

North Central Drone Championship Teams learn about drones, flight principles, programming, documentation, and communication skills while expanding their understanding of and building interest in drone-related workforce and career opportunities.

West Drone Championship

Legacy Event Center 151 S 1100 W, Farmington, UT, United States

West Drone Championship Teams learn about drones, flight principles, programming, documentation, and communication skills while expanding their understanding of and building interest in drone-related workforce and career opportunities.

The 2024 U.S. Army Cadet Command Junior ROTC Raider Challenge National Competition

1-Mile Track & Sander Springs Bullion Blvd, Fort Knox, KY, United States

The 2024 U.S. Army Cadet Command Junior ROTC Raider Challenge National Competition Raider Competitions are athletic competitions held at JROTC programs around the world. Events take place outdoors and usually consist of individual strength test (push-ups, tire-drag, obstacle course, etc), distance team running events, first aid events, and some form of rope bridge construction/crossing. Individual ... Read more