East Central High School JROTC Competed in the 2022 U.S. Army Cadet Command JROTC Raider Challenge Championships

Submitted by: MSG (R) Gary Hollins

The East Central High School JROTC from San Antonio, Texas competed in the 2022 U.S. Army Cadet Command JROTC Raider Challenge Championships in Molena, Georgia.

Bottom row left to right: Daisy Camacho, Marcos Sanchez, Adalia Herrera, Callaghan Chohlis, Melissa Arms Kelly, Savannah Lujan, Olivia Odlozolek.

Top row left to right: Jamal Figueroa, Jose Angel Avila, Caleb Haynes, Pedro Camacho, Jesus Alvarez, Aiden Navarro, Isaac Camacho and Army Instructor Master Sergeant Hollins.