RADC Drone World Championships
New event – Teams learn about drones, flight principles, programming, documentation, and communication skills while expanding their understanding of and building interest in drone-related workforce and career opportunities.
Event Information:
JROTC National Drone Championship: 03 Apr 2025, Batesville, MS
Southeast Drone Championship: 11-12 Apr 2025, Jackson, MSĀ
North Central Drone Championship: 16-18 May 2024, Flint, MI
Northeast Drone Championship: 16-17 May 2025, Fairmont, WV
West Drone Championship: 30-31 May 2025, Farmington, UT
For more information, visit: https://adc-kb.recf.org/hc/en-us/articles/16640573083543-Aerial-Drone-Competition-Frequently-Asked-Questions-FAQ-