
CyberStart America gives JROTC and CAP students in 9th – 12th grade free access to the world-renowned CyberStart game!

Bring cyber training to life through 200+ hands-on and engaging challenges in CyberStart.

You never know who could find their passion for cyber security. CyberStart’s gamified platform is easily accessible and engages students quickly. No matter their experience level, CyberStart’s scalable challenges gently onboard and advance your students’ practical skills so everyone can find their talents.

All learning preferences are covered through gamified challenges, plus write-ups and video tutorials in the Field Manual, and extra engagement opportunities in CyberStart’s exciting Groups leaderboards. The all-in-one platform allows users to take learning into their own hands without extra effort from facilitators.

Built by cyber security experts with 20+ years of experience and used in national initiatives, CyberStart is the most proven cyber security training tool for young adults. From scripting to social engineering and cryptography to password cracking, students apply the cyber security methods used by industry professionals to realistic situations. Students with no previous cyber security interest or experience have gone on to master Linux fundamentals, write their own programs and discover cyber security as a career possibility.

CyberStart Materials

You can also learn more by visiting the SANS Foundations course website: (external link).

Published-FRAGO 4 to USACC OPORD 24-02-008 JROTC National Raider Challenge 191652 (EST) AUG24

****SOP UPDATE! CHANGE 1 has been uploaded on this page’s Raider Challenge Event Information Tab****

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