Cyber Program FAQs

U.S. Army Junior ROTC Cyber Program Frequently Asked Questions.

Answer: USACC and the Assistance Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) continues to determine locations with the goal of opening up to 20 locations across the nation for the first round and expand annually. Once Army senior leaders approve the initial school locations, USACC will announce those locations.
Answer: You will sign an employment contract with the school that establishes your commitment with them.
Answer: Cyber instructors will have to meet specified instructor requirements. As a minimum, you will go through training that would certify you to instruct the program. The curriculum development team is also building the instructor certification program. Your current education, experiences, and certifications will determine the extent of your requirements beyond the instructor certification. Also, you must obtain an IAT level I certification within 6 months of becoming an instructor.
Answer: JROTC will review this on a case by case basis. Since this is an instructor requirement, failure to get this certificate may result in JROTC withdrawing your instructor credentials.
Answer: Each state sets the cyber-instructor requirements. In many cases, they require an additional CTE certification for cyber instructions.
Answer: Each state sets the cyber instructor requirements. While USACC would provide you with the training to teach the classes, you are responsible for meeting any and all state requirements.
Answer: An answer will be forthcoming regarding relocation expenses, pending review and approval. An update will be provided to affected individuals prior to offering positions.
Answer: You can apply for any vacant positions across the nation including your previous position if it is open. However, you will not be able to bump someone who was hired as your backfill.
Answer: At your own cost, you can leave your family at your old location. However, if you do not work out at the cyber-instructor position, there is no guarantee of returning to that position.
Answer: At your own cost, your family can remain in their current location indefinitely.
Answer: All JROTC cadets will receive uniforms IAW AR 145-5 and CCR 145-2.
Answer: The cyber curriculum includes 48 hours of traditional JROTC material. You as the Senior Army Instructor or Army Instructor are responsible for teaching all JROTC classes.
Answer: Your priority events will be cyber/STEM oriented such as Cyber Patriot. However, based on school funding, cadet interests, and instructor availability, a JROTC program can participate in any co-curriculars.
Answer: Existing JROTC programs that convert to a Cyber program will normally have a Senior Army Instructor and an Army Instructor. A newly-formed Cyber may initially have only one instructor as the program stands up. As with every JROTC program, you would be a school district employee.
Answer: Any cadet can take the cyber classes. JROTC will phase-in the program over a 4-year period with an additional year of instruction added annually until all 4-years are added. New cadets in the program will start with the first year program of instruction regardless of their academic status within the school. Enrollment of students transferring into the school with previous cybersecurity training or experience may enable the student to take a more advanced level of JROTC Cyber.
Answer: USACC will provide all the materials, hardware and software for the Cyber classes.
Answer: A team of cyber experts is currently developing the classes and all 4 years of the curriculum will be complete by Fall 2022.
Answer: The curriculum development team will embed all lessons in the Canvas learning system. Cyber instructors will be able to download all lesson plans for use on each individual school’s learning management system.
Answer: The development team is developing a support system, including ongoing virtual training, for JROTC cyber to provide assistance to instructors.
Answer: Each school is required to provide a secure supply room for JROTC equipment and uniforms.
Answer: The development team will provide information about co-curricular activities that support the cyber curriculum. Current co-curriculars such as JLAB, VEX robotics, and Cyber Patriot will remain. USACC continues to look for additional STEM events and will distribute those through the Brigade JROTC chiefs. As their discretion, your school can also pay for other cyber/STEM related activities that are not JROTC co-curriculars

Additional information on the U.S. Army JROTC Cyber Program can be found on the “Becoming a U.S. Army JROTC Cyber Instructor” Page.

Published-FRAGO 4 to USACC OPORD 24-02-008 JROTC National Raider Challenge 191652 (EST) AUG24

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