Cheyenne South High School Receives POW/MIA Stadium Chair

Story and Photos byCW3 (R) James J Ysebaert

Cheyenne South High School (NDCC) received a POW/MIA stadium seat through the Veterans Remembrance Memorial, with the help of Gordon “Alf” Parks, and his wife Sally. The chair was a 3-month long project by the JROTC program and was dedicated before a Varsity Basketball game on January 17th, 2024.

Guests included Cheyenne Mayor Patrick Collins, Secretary of State Chuck Gray, Interim Superintendent Dr. Newton, Major General Porter, and South High School Principal Kerri Gentry all spoke on the importance of honoring the thousands of Americans who are still missing in action.

South’s chair specifically is mobile and will be placed in the stadium for football games, gym for basketball games, and in the school next to the bison statue.

Published-FRAGO 4 to USACC OPORD 24-02-008 JROTC National Raider Challenge 191652 (EST) AUG24

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