Central Catholic High School Army JROTC Annual Veterans Day Brigade Review

Story and Photos by: CPT (R) Dwayne Rhodes

On November 10, 2023, the Central Catholic Army JROTC Cadets from 5th Brigade held their annual Veterans Day Brigade Review. More than 100 veterans were present, along with new parents and alumni of the school. The reviewing officer for the event was Col. Xavier Colon, the Commander of the 5th Recruiting Brigade. The Cadets displayed exceptional discipline, impressing the audience. One of the highlights of the day was a stirring speech delivered by the Senior Army instructor CPT (RET) Dwayne Rhodes, reminiscent of Ronald Reagan’s famous “A Time for Choosing” address. The event honored the sacrifices of veterans, showcased the Cadets talent, and underscored the importance of making decisive choices in challenging times. This event is held every year on Veterans Day.