Bulldog Battalion at St Pauls High School visited by the 4th BDE ROTC Command Team

Article by Bulldog Bn S5 C/CPT Soto

The Cadets of the Bulldog Battalion at St Pauls High School were visited by the 4th BDE ROTC command team COL Mourouzis and CSM Hire.  “It was a real honor having our Military Commanders come visit,” said C/LTC Hunter McDuffie. The Bulldogs invited their Commander and CSM to come back anytime, maybe even for PT.   

The Bulldog Battalion is currently at 125 Cadets spread out over the three companies (Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie) and have three competitive teams, Raider, Air Rifle, and Drill.

From Left to Right: 4th Brigade ROTC Cdr, COL Mourouzis, C/CPT Darian Slade (S2), C/CPT Ruth Soto (S5), C/CPT Henry Herdandez (S6), C/CPT Alicia McCrimmon (S1), C/LTC Hunter McDuffie (Bn Cdr), C/CPT Angie Morales (S4), C/SGM Marcus Alexander (S3 SGM), C/CSM Lizet Lazaro (BN CSM), C/MAJ Ethan Little (S3), C/MAJ Julio Martinez (BN XO), 4th Brigade ROTC CSM CSM Hire
Picture by Bulldog Bn S5 C/SFC Sykes

Published-FRAGO 4 to USACC OPORD 24-02-008 JROTC National Raider Challenge 191652 (EST) AUG24

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