Boys Town High School Elected 123rd Mayor and Vice-Mayor

Submitted by: LTC (R) Mark Strehle
Photo by: LTC (R) Mark Strehle

Boys Town High School youth elected Cadet Lieutenant COL Jafar Liebers as the 123rd Mayor of the Village of Boys Town and Abby Masonbrick was elected Vice-Mayor. Cadet Lieutenant COL Jafar Liebers was duly sworn and is now under oath to support and defend the Constitution of the Great State of Nebraska as well as that of the United States of America. Additionally, he was selected and invited to join the American Legion 2023 Cornhusker Boys State program in Lincoln, Nebraska. We salute him as he begins his term of office leading his peers, representing them and collaborating with adult leadership, establishing his own priorities for the continuing Boys Town improvement plan, and fully participating in the Vision and Direction provided by Boys Town’s founder, Father Edward J. Flanagan.  

Father Flanagan conceived the self-government system at the Village of Boys Town in 1926 as a tool for its citizens to build character, citizenship and a sense of community. The process was made famous in the 1938 Academy Award-winning movie “Boys Town,” where Mickey Rooney’s portrayal of Whitey Marsh, a tough young boy who turns his life around and becomes Mayor of Boys Town.

Jafar is involved in Student Council, Peer Ministry and is the Battalion Command of the JROTC and Chief of Cadets for the Village of Boys Town Police Department. His goal is to attend Creighton University to study Business and Photography.

Abby plays for Boys Town’s volleyball, softball and swimming teams. She is also on the National Honors Society and has a role as a Peer Minister. After graduation, Abby wants to become an ultrasound tech, move to Denver, Colorado and start a family.

​​​​​​​Congratulations to Jafar and Abby on becoming the new Mayor and Vice-Mayor of Boys Town!