Bowie High School JROTC Bear Cadets participated in the EPISD JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC)

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WHO: Bear Cadets (14 x Participants; with 1x Senior Army Instructor and 1x Army Instructor). Camp participants included 121 cadets (68 males, 53 females), 27 cadre, 2 female chaperones, and 13 active duty service members providing medical support. Cadets attending camp represented 9 high schools from El Paso, Texas. Like past years,  eight schools were Army JROTC programs with one Air Force program participating as well.

WHEN: March 6-10, 2023

WHERE: Main Fort Bliss, Texas

WHY: The purpose of JCLC is to provide an unfamiliar environment in which cadets can practice and develop leadership skills, and participate in adventure training and other activities that cadets might not ordinarily experience. Success was achieved by conducting safe training without incident, with cadets feeling great about themselves and their experiences with growth in confidence and accomplishments. Our cadets didn’t mind the 50 degree temperatures in the early AM hours during physical conditioning.

All Bear Cadets did extremely well in the following events; digital land navigation course, drown-proofing, cadet relays, high-ropes, rock climbing, leadership positions, physical training, and various vehicular simulation engagements. After the events were completed, all cadets participated in team building events (Movie Night and Bowling). 

The camp culminated with breakfast, followed by an awards presentation to where majority of our cadets received individual and platoon level awards. Bears had fun but most important a life-long awesome experience for the 14 cadets that participated.  Kudos to them and we thank the parents for allowing them to go.