AUSA National Essay Contest

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The Association of the United States Army (AUSA) is a nonprofit educational and professional development association serving America’s Army. AUSA’s LTG Theodore Stroup, Jr., Achievement Award aims to engage the next generation of Soldiers and DoD stakeholders at a young age, to promote their growth into mature members of the defense community and to build an awareness of the Association of the United States Army through an essay contest.

Army JROTC Cadets, in their junior and senior year, are eligible to compete for AUSA’s 4th annual LTG Theodore Stroup, Jr., Achievement Award Essay Contest; open from 15 February through 1 September 2023. For information on essay contest topic, criteria, and awards go to  AUSA will announce essay contest winners on 29 September 2023.

If you have questions about AUSA essay contest, send email to AUSA Education & Programs at