Auburn High School Cadet to Attend United States Air Force Academy

Submitted by: LTC (Ret) Anthony L. Benitez
Photo by: LTC (R) Anthony L. Benitez

C/LTC Grant Yost has received an appointment to attend the United States Air Force Academy.  Cadet Yost is the 5th Tiger Battalion Cadet to receive an appointment to a United States Service Academy in the past five years.  C/LTC Yost served as the Battalion Commander for Auburn High School JROTC during the 2022-23 school year.  Cadet Yost represented Auburn HS as a delegate to Boys’ State, was a member of the National Honor and National Technical Honor Societies, was a member of Raider Team, and received his private pilots license through Embry Riddle University.  Auburn High School and the Tiger Battalion are extremely proud of his accomplishments and what he will do in his future endeavors.