Story by Cdt/Antonio Duran-Stanton
Throughout June 18-23, 2022, SGT Alexander Pohlman, 1SG Kenton Duplessie, and CSM Yannic Miranda along with AI Christopher Buchanan went to the Army JROTC Leadership & Academic Bowl (JLAB) at Catholic University, Washington D.C.
They were chosen due to their exemplary high score in the pretest’s leadership area as well as placing in the top 40 teams in level II. At Washington, they participated in a virtual orientation class, a virtual scavenger hunt of Arlington National Cemetery,
and an experiential learning scavenger hunt of memorials, monuments, and museums in Washington, D.C. Although our placement out of the 40 teams is unsure, our JLAB team certainly worked hard to compete and represent for AMHS.
“It was a once in a lifetime opportunity that’ll I’ll never forget.” – Cdt/1SG Kenton Duplessie
“It was an amazing opportunity to meet and interact with other JROTC Battalions across the country.” – Cdt/SGT Alexander Pohlman
“I had an amazing time in Washington, getting to interact with many JROTC units from around the country and compete against them in the final round of the JLAB competition.” – Cdt/CSM Yannic Miranda
“JLAB was a wonderful opportunity to prove that our school can create great JROTC leaders; enough to go to the highest level in the nation.” – Christopher Buchanan, Army Instructor
Photo Credit: MSG (Ret) Christopher Buchanan