Ansbach Middle High School Army JROTC Wins Army Championship at Camp Perry

Story by: Cdt/SSG Antonio Duran-Stanton

CAMP PERRY, OH — This February the Ansbach Middle High School (AMHS) marksmanship team went to Camp Perry, Ohio to participate in the JROTC All Service Championships due to their top 10 placing in the JROTC postal competition. Out of several schools to compete and 24 schools in their category, Ansbach was one of two schools to qualify to send two teams. The team won 1st place in Overall Army Precision with Fort Carson and Ozark HS trailing behind. Individually, Cdt/Polman placed fourth and Cdt/Russell placed fifth. The first Varsity team that went to Ohio featured Emma Pirner, Xander Polman, Kalea Russell, Collin Robertson, and Evan Slider. With a second JV team consisting of Laysha Bobbit, Lillian Daniels, Haley Lorman, and Kenton Duplessie. Due to their expertise during the event, Cadets Pirner, Pohlman, Russell and Robertson are all returning to Ohio to shoot again. After the 1st place in the European championship, the AMHS marksmanship team is really bringing in the wins.

It was really great being able to shoot at the high level we were shooting at, along with the chance to interact with teams from all around the country. I’m really excited to go again and shoot even higher.Cdt/Collin Robertson, Varsity

It was a great experience overall, not many people can say they went to Ohio just to shoot air rifles.” – Cdt/Haley Lorman, Junior Varsity

Not only was the trip fun but it taught me alot about managing my time.” – Cdt/Lillian Daniels, Junior Varsity

Top Photo Caption: (Left to Right) Cadets Alexander Pohlman, Kalea Russell, Evan Slider, Emma Pirner, Army Instructor MSG (Ret) Christopher Buchanan and Cadet Collin Robertson (Team Captain); Team poses with their 1st place award at the Army Championship, Camp Perry, Ohio, Photo Credit: Mr. Jeff Robertson

(Left to Right) Cadets Kalea Russell, Alexander Pohlman, Collin Robertson (Team Captain); Army Instructor MSG (Ret) Christopher Buchanan and Cadet Emma Pirner. Team photo at the All-Service Championship awards banquet, Camp Perry Ohio.