4th BDE, Myers Park High School Army JROTC Cadets Senior Night 13 Oct 23

Story and Photos by: LTC (R) Timothy Merriott and 1SG (R) Foye, Kelly L.

The Myers Park High School (Charlotte NC) Army JROTC Mustang Battalion Cadets from 4th Brigade participated in senior night for their school. We had 6 seniors participate with their families and friends. These seniors were given an opportunity to stand in front of the school during a big high school football rivalry game and show off the JROTC uniforms with their families. The joy on the faces of the families as well as the Cadets was a great sight to see. It showed the families as well as the Cadets how much we appreciate them and support them as they continue to move towards the 5th year plan. This also gave students within the school the opportunity to see Cadet’s shine and be in the spotlight. As each announcement was read, they talked about what college, and or military branch they plan to attend, what the program has done for them, and the countless opportunities it provided with community and support.

Our Cadets are grateful for having the opportunity to support the program and have a since of not only belonging to a class but belonging to a family.