43rd Annual Labor Solidarity Parade – Garfield HS JROTC Leads the Way!

Story by 1SG (R) Raymond Eason

On September 05, 2022, after two years of not having the annual Labor Day Solidarity Parade due to the COVID pandemic. The Garfield High School Army JROTC Mighty Bulldawg Battalion was invited back once again to lead the 43rd Annual Labor Solidarity Parade with our Color Guard and carry the official parade banner.

 Immediately after the parade the color guard presented the colors for the official Labor Day opening ceremony. There were many distinguished guests present from the Local government, County and State officials.

This was not just a holiday, but a revealing moment for all the cadets to gain some knowledge of the observance that­­­ is held the first Monday in September, and to recognize the many contributions Union labor workers have made to America’s prosperity and well-being.