East Union High School Army JROTC attends ceremony honoring educators with General Gary Brito

Submitted by: LTC (Ret.) John Tao

SAN FANCISCO, CA — LTC (Ret.) John Tao, Senior Army Instructor (SAI) for East Union High School Army JROTC, shares the following: “On 9 March, we were invited to General Gary Brito’s ceremony, honoring community educators and leaders in San Francisco.  Here are the photos. Cadets that attended this event are key leaders from my program including the battalion commander, XO, and the CSM.”

The event, called “Your Army Salutes Community Educators”, took place at the War Memorial Veterans Building in San Francisco, California, on March 9th, 2023. Attendees included General Gary Brito, Commanding General of U.S. Army Training & Doctrine Command (TRADOC), and the Civilian Aides to the Secretary of the Army Mark Benton and Gil Sanborn.

The Cadets of East Union High School Army JROTC (Photo Credit: LTC (R) John Tao)
The Cadets of East Union High School Army JROTC with Maj. Gen. Miles A. Davis (Photo Credit: LTC (R) John Tao)
The Cadets of East Union High School Army JROTC (Photo Credit: LTC (R) John Tao)
The Cadets of East Union High School Army JROTC (Photo Credit: LTC (R) John Tao)