30 JROTC Cadets from East Baton Rouge Parish attend the National Flight Academy at Pensacola Naval Air Station

Story submitted by COL (R) William Laigaie

30 JROTC Cadets from East Baton Rouge Parish and SE Louisiana, 6th ROTC Brigade, were the first in the region to attend the National Flight Academy at Pensacola Naval Air Station 31 July 5 August 2022.  It was an incredible week of first-class instruction, interaction, and experience.  Graduation was in the National Naval Aviation Museum. 

Photo Caption: Cadet sponsors provided generous grants.  Shown are two classes where EBR and SE Louisiana Cadets met students from around the country and foreign countries.  Blue Angels jet hangs from the ceiling along with dozens of other aircraft from Naval Aviation history.

Photos by National Flight Academy and COL (R) William Laigaie