2023 Army JROTC Leadership Bowl National Championship Awards Ceremony

Story by: Donna Hahn
Photos by: Donna Hahn

Washington, D.C. – June 21st, 2023, the Army JROTC Leadership National Champions have been selected.  A special round of congratulations goes out the winning team from Fresh Meadows, New York, Francis Lewis High School.  Congratulations Cadets!  This journey started in November 2022 with more than 5,000 cadets and more than 1,300 Army JROTC Leadership Teams.  This year’s group is the top 160 cadets and the 40 most qualified Leadership Teams. 

2nd Place Winners from Memphis, Tennessee, White Station High School. 

3rd Place winners from Savannah Georgia, Benedictine Military School.

Congratulations to the 160 Cadets that participated in this year’s Army JROTC 2023 JROTC Leadership National Championship.  Great job Cadets!

During this year’s award ceremony several other awards were given out as well. Cadet Witt, one of the essay winners had the honor of reading his speech at the awards ceremony. 

There were 4 essay winners, and each was presented with a medal.

·        Cadet Scarlett Key, 4th Brigade, East Surry HS
Cadet Jake Witt, 5th Brigade, Conroe High School read his speech at the opening ceremony.
Cadet Grace Mouatcho, 7th Brigade, Hyde Park Academy
Cadet Easten Jenn, 8th Brigade, Leilehua HS – read his speech at the awards ceremony.

5th Brigade, Ronald Raegan High School from San Antonio, TX won this year’s Annual COL Carlos R. Glover “Mega Hooah” Esprit de Corps Award. 

The keynote speaker was Cadet Nichol Tangcoy, an immigrant from the Philippines.  She shared her story of her travel to America and how Army JROTC assisted her.

There were a total of 40 Teams competing in this year’s Leadership Bowl National Championship.   All Team Captains received an award for their teams.  Each team also received in their bags the McArthur Award.  This group was the only group to receive this award.  They also received the Marshall Medal.  Only the top 275 cadets receive this annual award.  There was a brand-new ribbon given to this year’s cadets.  It was the United Services Automobile Association Educational Foundation Ribbon, better known as USAA EF.  Each cadet received this for participating in the online JLAB Practice Test and advancement to JLAB.  Going forward each cadet that participates in the Online JLAB Practice Test will be able to earn this prestigious ribbon.

Army JROTC Director COL Ken Jones passed out all the awards to the Cadets and personally congratulated each one.